Dominate Your Followers’ Instagram Feeds With These 3 Tips

Triggers Media
3 min readJun 18, 2018


If you post a killer Instagram photo but no one sees it, does it get a “like”?

If you’re like the majority of social media users, you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and Facebook several times a day. This has become the norm for millennials, and with endless content to sift through, how can your business possibly come out on top of the game?

There are several things you can do to elevate your business’s Instagram presence. A quick look at your page’s stats can tell you everything from what time your target audience is online, to what percentage of them found you through a hashtag. If you’re not utilizing Instagram stats as a guide to posting, you’re missing out. Aside from that, here are a few tips to help you master the tricks of the trade.

Strategizing Your Stories

The common consensus is that stories trump regular posts in terms of views. The question is: how can you utilize this information to your advantage? For starters, you could maximize the look of your stories with a few simple tricks.

First, consider creating a story template with a third-party site like Canva. Creating a streamlined look for your Instagram stories can do great things for brand recognition and the overall aesthetic of your profile. Check out these tips from Canva to learn how.


Choosing the Right Hashtags

Nothing can bring a brand from obscurity to fame quite like the perfect hashtag. Whether you love hashtags or loathe them, there’s no denying you’ll need at least a couple if you’re hoping to engage and attract new followers.

But before you go all willy-nilly with the hashtags, it’s important to do a little research. All the hashtags in the world won’t do you any good if they’re not relevant to your target audience. Small accounts with fewer than 10,000 followers should aim to rank for smaller, highly-targeted hashtags, for instance.

Scheduling Like a Pro

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

If you post a killer Instagram photo but no one sees it, does it get a “like”?

Part of solidifying a good social media strategy means knowing your audience’s habits. Is your target audience online more during the early morning, or late at night? Chances are good that your target lies somewhere in between. Regardless, you should be conducting research into premium times to schedule your posts. Scheduling our posts during times that make sense for your business will offer the best potential for engagement. And without engagement, what’s the point of posting, anyway?

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Triggers Media

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