2020 Marketing Trends: How to Prep Your RGV Business for the New Year

Triggers Media
6 min readDec 20, 2019

An area like the Rio Grande Valley is ripe with economic opportunity. This booming area at the tip of Texas pumps billions of dollars into the state economy, and for RGV business owners hoping for a piece of the proverbial pie, the importance of marketing is at an all-time high.

Like clockwork, just as the seasons change, so do the marketing trends that carry the power to make or break your business. That’s why it’s crucial that you keep privy about the latest tools the industry is using to target the users that mean the most.

Here are a few 2020 marketing trends to look out for as you prepare your RGV business for the year ahead.

Facebook Ads = $$$

Any marketer worth his weight in clicks will tell you that social media ads are a wise investment. But the harsh reality is that, in 2020, you just won’t be getting as much bang for your buck if Facebook ads are your weapon of choice.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t be utilizing this popular method of advertising. You should definitely be advertising on Facebook if you’re hoping for a true connection with your audience, but be warned: ad reach is decreasing while costs per lead are increasing, meaning businesses that have seen success with Facebook ads in the past may be in for a rude awakening in the months to come.

Overall, Facebook is becoming increasingly more expensive to maintain on the ads management front, and while you’re still better off investing in social media ads than say, an obscure local magazine or radio channel, you’ll need to set aside a larger part of your marketing budget for this particular platform if you’re hoping to really see a return on your investment.

Oh, Instagram. Never change.

There’s no doubt that Facebook ad prices are rising, but you can take comfort in the fact that Instagram ads have remained largely unaffected. This popular social media channel is helping a ton of businesses extend their reach, and while Instagram ads were once utilized by just a select few businesses hoping to capitalize on an early trend, it’s now become affordable and mainstream enough to where anyone can jump on the bandwagon.

If you do decide to take the plunge, you should know there is more than one way to do it. Whether you choose to advertise on the feed or within Instagram stories, it’s important that your ads are designed accordingly in regard to format, ratio, etc. Although it may seem redundant to create multiple ads for the same platform, it’s vital that your ads are tailored specifically to the methods in which they’ll be seen. This rings true for any advertising platform, not just Instagram.

Keeping up with the customers

It’s long been said that content is king, and while this is true (to an extent), good content isn’t worth squat if you don’t have good customer service to back it up.

Addressing your customers’ needs via chatbot or texting will get you far in terms of overall satisfaction and customer experience. Whether it’s resolving a billing issue or simply answering a question about hours of operation, engagement with your customers in a timely manner can help put you above your competition even if they’ve outspent you tenfold. And with so many great options for chatbots to choose from, you’re sure to find one that’s right up your alley. For instance, if you’re pressed for time, consider installing a chatbot that can help answer your customers’ FAQs. WhatsApp for business is perfect for tasks like this. You can create groups, DM potential clients and so much more with just a few clicks.

Shopping on social media

The rise of the internet has completely revolutionized the way the world does shopping. Cyber Monday deals, anyone? Making sure your products are available for purchase on more than one platform will only help you in the long run. It may even be just what you need to reach that next level you’ve been striving for. The beautiful thing about this is that the barrier to entry for listing your products online can be quite low. If it’s practical for your business, don’t underestimate the power of multiple streams of revenue, and certainly don’t underestimate the power of social media to help you achieve the growth you’ve been hoping for.

A spotlight on storytelling

Nailing the storytelling aspect of your marketing strategy can be hard, but it’s one of the things that will help you get closer to your customers.

But the question remains: how do you tell a great story?

To start, you’ll need to draw a clear picture of what your brand represents, as well as who you’re talking to in the first place. Who is your audience? What do they want to hear? From a high-quality “About Us” video that details your company’s history to blog posts and case studies that highlight your scope of services, there are plenty of ways to spread your brand’s message, i.e. tell your story, to the masses.

The perks of personalization

You know that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you get a letter addressed to you in the mail? And, no, we’re not talking about bills. We’re talking about the kind of correspondence that makes you feel important.

If you’re a business owner, you should know that your customers want to feel special. All. The. Time. Personalization is just one of myriad ways to get this done.

A growing number of businesses are realizing the benefits of personalization when it comes to customer service. It may sound like an arduous undertaking, but there are ways to streamline your communication so that a little personalization doesn’t break the bank. In this regard, email lists are as good as gold. A good email list can help you segment your customers in a way that makes sense for your business, and that makes them feel like they’re truly being considered, not just part of one big group you are blasting haphazardly all at once. Not quite sure how to jump on the email marketing bandwagon? Triggers can help.

Investing in video production

Enthralling video content is still dominating the marketing realm, so if you haven’t found a way to incorporate it into your ad strategy, you’re doing your brand a big disservice. The upside to this is that your video content doesn’t have to look super professional to be effective. Truth be told: sometimes a good iPhone video will do just fine. But if you’re hoping to put professionalism at the forefront of your brand, consider outsourcing content of higher quality. A good video production team can bring the best of your business to light and tell your story in a way that does double duty in dazzling the eye.

Greater Google ads

Google’s algorithm is a constant work in progress. We have a theory that Einstein himself would have a hard time figuring it all out. But what we do know for certain is that the tech giant has recently made some upgrades to its ad platform. Through the company’s use of machine learning, Google ad users now have the ability to choose conversion actions at the campaign level, set bids to change automatically once sales start or stop, and to optimize bids across multiple campaigns with chosen sets of conversion actions. Having a hard time making sense of it all? Not to worry. We can help with that, too.

Triggers Media dives deep into your digital marketing strategy so you don’t have to. Our McAllen ad agency specializes in marketing strategy, creative content and ad distribution, all with the end goal of helping your brand or business get seen and helping convert those viewers into customers. If you’re interested in what our McAllen digital marketing agency can do for you, send us a message on Facebook or give us a call at 956.884.4877.



Triggers Media

We are a Social Media Advertising and Marketing agency that helps brands and businesses grow online.